Mouse House!

We bought our first house! Never dreamed it would be in Miami ... but here we are. We lovingly call it mouse house because of the strange paths around the back of the house, utility room, garage. We moved in a few weeks ago and are still getting settled. Below are some photos from the process of small renovations and big clean-ups.

Nick hired 'a guy' (we are establishing our own set of 'guys' here in Miami) to trim those disasterous bushes today. This is him standing in front of the pile when it was all done. Thankfully the city will do a free pick-up twice per year. We were quoted $250 for haul-off by the lawn maintenance guys, so this is a HUGE savings! And now you can actually see our little house.

The painting inside the house is nearly complete. These photos are of what will soon be our shared office. The first photo is the old room, the second and third are the new room. The picture with Nick shows the closet that was built for the master bedroom that now comes into this room a bit. You can also get a sense of the insulation that we had put in between the beams on the ceilings. We were at the house Friday during a heavy downpour and could really tell a difference in the noise between the rooms with insulation and the rooms without.

This is a preview of the new closet in the master bedroom. We are very excited about this little addition!

Old bathroom with cute, but mismatched and falling apart 1950's tile, nasty shower doors, not to mention that horrible horrible horrible vanity:

New-ish bathroom with tile (Nick did a great job!), smaller toilet and smaller sink. Too bad we couldn't afford to move the plumbing around a bit - maybe next year:

Old kitchen with faux brick paneling and an electrical box buried in the wall (can you say illegal?):

New kitchen with smooth backsplash and much safer electrical box (tucked behind the ugly cabinets - maybe next decade!):

Old view of our beamed ceiling and entry to the den:

New view of our refinished beamed ceilings and entry to the (apricot) den (good job again, Nick!):